Urram – Rekindled Hope Release


Five years since the last blood heir to the Scottish throne was imprisoned by Danish invaders, death her only prospect.

Two since the Lowlanders rescued their princess while failing to free their country, waging a winter’s war.

One since the princess went into hiding and the Scots sent envoys to Cymru, hoping to secure aid against their common enemies.

Her country in ruins, her fighting men few, Fiona McCurragh nonetheless finds courage as the Lowlanders return from Cymru.As winter thaws into spring, the Danes renew their hunt for the Scottish princess, nearly discovering her and the Scots’ newfound Cymreig allies. The Scots, forced to play their hand, retaliate by launching their third war against their invaders. Yet Fiona McCurragh and the elder son of Chieftain McCladden soon realise that not all battles are won with men and spears; some are of the heart.

In an unforeseen act of treachery, Fiona is captured and held prisoner at Caerloch Castle, awaiting torture and execution. Meanwhile, the Lowlanders and the Cymry find themselves faced by Lady Nuith’s innumerable hosts and beyond the reach of the silent Highlanders. Torn between surrender or death, honouring their oaths may be the Scots’ final defence.

It’s been over a month since the second book in the Princess of the Highlands Trilogy, Urram – Rekindled Hope, was released into the world. I am so grateful for everyone who’s bought a copy, left a review, or attended the book launch party at Griffey’s Book Emporium last month! (Signed copies of my books are still available at that store if you’re local to Columbus, Ohio!)

If you’re new to my books, the Princess of the Highlands Trilogy is a clean Scottish/medieval fantasy series perfect for fans of Maggie Stiefvater’s Bravely, Hanna C. Howard’s Our Divine Mischief, Douglas Bond’s Crown and Covenant Trilogy, and C.M. Banschbach’s Dragon Keep Chronicles.

Here are what some readers have been saying about the latest book in the series: (No Spoilers)

“This book was beyond amazing! I fell in love with the first book and now this one pulled me in further.

“What a masterfully crafted story. I felt as if I were really there in ancient Scotland. Experiencing each twist and turn with its colourful and very real characters. Its themes of love and hope amidst the darkening clouds of despair ringing clear. Though night falls the sun always will rise in the morning. Even if the morn feels long in coming.

“That ending absolutely wrecked me and I impatiently await the next book!”

~ Lilly, Goodreads Reviewer

“I truly enjoyed the adventure in every aspect, and the message touched me deeply, and I was just in love with the characters and writing style. It was pretty much everything I hoped it was and I am just eagerly awaiting book 3.”

~ Katja, Goodreads Reviewer

“This is such a good series – I’ve fallen soooo hard for the characters and I absolutely love the author’s writing. Now, even more than I did before. I didn’t want it to end, and I didn’t want to rush through it, but at the same time, I didn’t want to put it down!”

~ Lydia, Goodreads Reviewer

You can read more reviews of the series here.

Want to get your own copy of the series? Links are below!

Happy reading! Thank you all for your support of my writing thus far. ❤

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